WE LOVE THIS! and hope the city Fathers choke on them! If y’all haven’t figured it out yet – the Confederate Community has been pushed out of the mainstream. Much of our so-called leadership hasn’t figured it out yet but we have been marginalized and pushed to the fringe. We can’t count on “conservative” politicians or middle America to come to our aid unless we make it happen.
The demagogues of our urban hellholes and their minions have become the German occupation governments and occupation troops & WE have become the French Resistance – LET US GLORY IN THAT ROLE. Our job is to keep alive the spirit of liberty and resistance to Tyranny – which means our job is to make sure our oppressors never have a nice day. Their daily gruel from us needs to give them MAALOX MOMENTS, HEARTBURN & BRAIN FEVER. Whether it be lawsuits, flaggings, flag raisings, FLOWERS ON DESECRATED MONUMENTS, guest editorials, or handing out Robert E Lee Mardis Gras beads and Battle flag “Thumbs Up” stickers, WE MUST KEEP THE SPIRIT OF RESISTANCE ALIVE! – until Liberty is restored.
Between big City demagogues & Antifa/BLM no sane American should be unwilling to ally with our cause. In that sense these thugs make friends for us we couldn’t make for ourselves. SO ENJOY the struggle! It is the only game in town for Patriots!
January 30, 2018