COMPATRIOTS! FRIENDS! MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATE COMMUNITY! We have temporarily dodged the bullet in Paris, Texas regarding its Confederate monument. But it scared a bunch of our people and that is good.
We need to organize a National Confederate Monument Protection Committee NOW to immediately research the history, title, ownership, deed, plats, and photos of every Confederate monument in the South (and wherever else found) so that legal teams (which we can also organize) can be pro active armed with good information provided from a central Archive. This committee should be able to analyze & coordinate monument protection efforts nationwide.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans is the only organization that can or will set up something like this – and looks like they may be interested.
We want to offer the SCV our help. THE SLRC has the legal/organizational/technical know how to set up the committee and get it working. This will also including setting up and coordinating committees in every Southern state and organizing volunteers in every County within that state.
With Nathanael & I already on staff, we would need to hire at least 3 more full time clerical staff for the duration of the project. We DO NOT have the funding to do this. BUT if you, our friends in the Confederate Community, will pledge at least $25.00 per month for at least 6 months (or $150.00) and get other friends and family to do so, we can get right to work. We need at least 400 pledges for this to work. SCV members & Camps spread the word and encourage your leadership to get behind this now. The more we raise, the quicker we can get the project finished!
June 16, 2017