I am a 40 year member of the SCV, and a founder (1995) of the Southern Legal resource Center. HK Edgerton has served on the SLRC Board of Directors and is the Chairman Emeritus of the SLRC’s Board of Advisors.
There has been some serious unjust sniping at my friend HK Edgerton, by some, dredging up an old canard that has been adopted by our dearest enemies at the Southern Poverty Law Center.
First let me say that Dr Neill H. Payne & I have known HK longer than anyone else in the Confederate Community – the beginning of our friendship and HK’s complete conversion to the Confederate cause goes back almost 20 years to 1997.
At that time I had a rather fearsome media reputation as a “white supremacist” attorney, especially touted by my unofficial “publicists” at the SPLC and believed by many in the Southern movement. I am not now and never have been a “white supremacist” (whatever that is supposed to mean in this day and age), but that has not prevented the manure spreaders from continuing to defame me, and by association, HK. HK has never challenged me for my controversial clients of years ago, because he has always understood that everyone has a right to counsel.
HK’s love and friendship for my family is totally unreserved and is entirely reciprocated by the Lyons/Payne families. My children, nieces & nephews have known “Uncle HK ” their entire lives and a family gathering without inviting him is not even considered.
I have traveled 1000’s of miles over the last 19 years with HK & his brothers, planned, planned, promoted and participated in the March Across Dixie and talked to countless law enforcement officers via mobile phone when HK found himself confronted by local tyranny.
In all that time I’ve come to a know HK in good times and bad as few have ever gotten to know him. And I can say unreservedly that HK’s heart is pure in his love for the Confederate cause and Confederate Southern Americans and that HK is a man of absolute integrity and probity.
Further I have noticed in all this time that HK has not profited from his association with the Confederate Community. HK lives very simply and without pomp or fanfare. HK may receive Social Security but he has no other investments or income. Money given him goes to cover his onerous travel expenses, if not for a current venue, then for 2-3 trips ahead because he is constantly on the go.
HK, like I understand that because it was a simple matter of loyalty that there were millions of Black Confederates through out Dixie in 1861-65, irrespective of whether some can be called soldiers or not. They were Confederates because they were LOYAL!
Whether as a Brother, an ally, or as an advocate for constitutional rights for ALL Americans, HK has earned and deserves our support!
Respectfully submitted
~Kirk D. Lyons
Chief Trial Counsel, SLRC
Now help us beat UT, we are on our way to the Supreme Court!
May 13, 2016